Event: Make Your Vote Count (10/25/06)
Where: The New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, New York NY.
When: Wednesday, October 25th, 7:00 PM
What: Our County Commissioners, at the direction of the State Board of Elections, will soon choose voting machines for NYC. What do you know about the choices they will make? What can you do to encourage selection of the most secure, reliable, and cost-effective voting machines for NYC?
This is a community forum sponsored by the New York Society for Ethical Culture and the Sierra Club - NYC Group.
Moderator: Adam Cohen, member of the NY Times Editorial Board.
Panelists include:
Douglas Kelner, Co-chair, State Board of Elections
David Kogelman, HAVA Committee Chair, NY Democratic Lawyers Council
Bo Lipari, Executive Director, New Yorkers for Verified Voting
Mark Crispin Miller, New York University Professor and Author
Jerrold Nadler, Member, U. S. Congress
John Ravitz, Executive Director, New York City Board of Elections
Hosted by Community Free Democrats and Democracy for New York City.
Cosponsored by Ansonia Independent Democrats, Broadway Democrats, Park River Independent Democrats, Three Parks Independent Democrats, and Vincent E. Albano Republican Club.

When: Wednesday, October 25th, 7:00 PM
What: Our County Commissioners, at the direction of the State Board of Elections, will soon choose voting machines for NYC. What do you know about the choices they will make? What can you do to encourage selection of the most secure, reliable, and cost-effective voting machines for NYC?
This is a community forum sponsored by the New York Society for Ethical Culture and the Sierra Club - NYC Group.
Moderator: Adam Cohen, member of the NY Times Editorial Board.
Panelists include:
Douglas Kelner, Co-chair, State Board of Elections
David Kogelman, HAVA Committee Chair, NY Democratic Lawyers Council
Bo Lipari, Executive Director, New Yorkers for Verified Voting
Mark Crispin Miller, New York University Professor and Author
Jerrold Nadler, Member, U. S. Congress
John Ravitz, Executive Director, New York City Board of Elections
Hosted by Community Free Democrats and Democracy for New York City.
Cosponsored by Ansonia Independent Democrats, Broadway Democrats, Park River Independent Democrats, Three Parks Independent Democrats, and Vincent E. Albano Republican Club.